Monday, April 07, 2008

Consolation to all Tarheels and Bruins:I think calling the Memphis and Kansas guards, "guards," is patently false advertising.They're wraiths who swoosh around the tall forests of Hansborough and Love at velocities closeto the speed of light.
Not that this has anything to do with this post.
I'm just gonna play tag with Dear Lyn F., whose newest "Is it live, or Meme-ix" she found time to type this morning!

My username is YERTLE because of reasons I shall discuss in a public forum no way, no how!

Suffice it to say that when the going gets tough, I'm not above retreating my beak into my shell.

My name is Charles because my mother wore the pants in my family, and that's her dad's name.

My middle name is my other grandfather's Christian name; well, not chronologically Christian in origin. My paternal grandfather, according to my cousins, did possess the fearlessness to enter into the lions' den, if necessary. Patron Saint? Who else? Gregory the Great.

My journal is titled MUSICA DEI DONUM OPTIMI because it is. Well, maybe next to the concept of "woman." Thank you, God!

My friends page is called THE ORGANIC CHEMIST because she only uses the freshest ingredients when brewing up some obtuse compound by which she'll one day cure cancer!

My default userpic is a formal, "tux" head shot because it looks better than my current appearence as a goateed, porcine human homage to John Lennon, round specs an' all.

Th-th-th-that's all folks.

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