Saturday, February 13, 2010

Whatsoever You Do:
Don't "bookend" viewings of A SERIOUS MAN and THE HURT LOCKER back to back in any proximity. In an increasingly shorter span of time I have gone from having to deliberate the existential implications of sociopaths Anton Shigur and Daniel Plainview to the all-too-imminent chaos theory portrayed by the random, achingly meaningless, inconsequential and unfathomable "stories" of these two "Best Film" nominees.
Neither of them has jack squat to do with RC Liturgical Music. Though I must say that there were a couple of ritual oasis moments in "A Serious Man" relevant to reconcilation and sacramental initiation that could give an aware catholic pause.
But, taking these two in at one sitting could prove detrimental to those among us who really believe that there is no world worth considering outside of a sanctuary replete with ritual and its accoutrements.
For me and mine, we need these "shake and bake" moments to remind humanity that to be in the presence of God could prove both dangerous to one's faith, but interminably and excrutiatingly tortuous, with not even a "meaningful" outcome guaranteed.
So, I will be most happy tomorrow to recognize love, which cannot but grow, in the unity that is both unison and in harmony.

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